In August, New Afton employees participated in the Kamloops Pride Parade which saw thousands of attendees and spectators fill the streets of downtown Kamloops. The annual event brings businesses, groups, and community organizations working in service to the two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and queer (2SLGBTQ+) community together to show their support for equity and diversity. New Afton employees walked as part of the official parade delegations, driving a truck from New Afton’s Fire and Mine Rescue and carrying a New Gold banner. New Afton held a t-shirt design contest in the weeks leading up to the parade as a way to generate both participation and conversation around diversity, equity and inclusion. “Embracing what makes us different is an integral part of our New Gold values,” said Mary-Beth Harrison, New Afton’s Human Resources Manager. “Participating in events like the Kamloops Pride Parade are important in showing that we acknowledge and celebrate all the ways in which our employees and their loved ones are different yet equal.”