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Walking the Walk: Enabling Positive Change With Boogie the Bridge

Since 2009, employees from New Gold’s New Afton Mine have participated in the Boogie the Bridge community wellness fundraiser, achieving the status of largest corporate team in 2013 and holding that title for every in-person event to date.  

Jo Berry, founder of Boogie the Bridge, started the event in 1998 following the passing of her mother to inspire women who sought change in their lives. Since its inception, Berry and her team have seen the Boogie grow to become a hallmark event that draws thousands of spectators and participants. Berry believes that movement is change – a phrase that has quickly become synonymous both with her and the event.  

“New Gold’s sponsorship and ongoing participation has not only provided crucial financial support, but also served as a source of motivation and encouragement for our team,” said Berry. “We continue to change lives, fundraise and be a signature event for Kamloops as a result of New Gold’s partnership.” 

In addition to sponsoring the event annually, New Gold provides participating employees, their family and friends with discounted registration rates.  

“Seeing all the New Afton employees on Boogie day as part of the biggest corporate team every year makes us all smile beyond belief,” added Berry. “We see many familiar New Gold faces now and have so much fun putting Boogie together for the Kamloops community.” 

The Boogie brings people of all ages and backgrounds together to celebrate movement and raise vital funds for different community organizations each year. The charity of choice for this year’s event is Volunteer Kamloops – an organization that encourages volunteerism in the region. New Gold employees will again be participating in the 2024 Boogie the Bridge, further contributing to the needs of community organizations in Kamloops and maintaining a long-standing legacy of participation in this important annual event.