New Afton values community feedback to improve our public reporting, engagement, and operations. To ensure there is a standardized process to receive community feedback, New Afton has an established feedback mechanism, otherwise known as the Feedback Hotline.

To ensure the Feedback Hotline is properly utilized, New Afton has an External Feedback Procedure which documents the process to receive, track, and respond to incidents, concerns, and feedback from Community of Interest (COI) groups. This formal feedback system has a clear process for managing and responding to COI grievances, comments, and requests. Feedback reported though the Feedback Hotline is captured, assessed, and responded to in a timely manner and can be accessed by appropriate personnel through the review period. If necessary, there are mechanisms in place to escalate complaints if not adequately and promptly dealt with. Throughout the process, COI groups are proactively and clearly informed regularly, including a post-follow up process to capture the effectiveness of the feedback mechanism and identify any opportunities for improvement. In addition, complainants are given the option to remain anonymous during the feedback process and all feedback is managed with discretion and in confidence.
The Feedback Hotline and External Feedback Procedure were collaboratively developed with affected COI groups and are reviewed annually with New Afton’s Feedback Group. This group has representation from key COI groups, including representation from Stk’emlupsemc Te Secwepemc Nation (SSN), the City of Kamloops, the business community, the non-profit sector, a special interest group, and employees.
To provide feedback, you can reach the Feedback Hotline 24/7 at 250-377-2100 or at