Operation Red Nose: Safely Driving Kamloopsians Home for 27 Years
In 2023, Operation Red Nose (ORN) provided 512 safe rides home to Kamloops residents over 13 nights. Since its inception 27 years ago, ORN has safely driven home 22,254 groups, averaging 3 people per vehicle, which means nearly 67,000 people have reached home safely thanks to the service that relies on volunteers. “The impact of […]
Operation Red Nose: Safely Driving Kamloopsians Home for 27 Years Read More »
In 2023, Operation Red Nose (ORN) provided 512 safe rides home to Kamloops residents over 13 nights. Since its inception 27 years ago, ORN has safely driven home 22,254 groups, averaging 3 people per vehicle, which means nearly 67,000 people have reached home safely thanks to the service that relies on volunteers. “The impact of